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ACCEPTED - org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy.Status
The candidacy has been accepted.
acceptInvitation(MemberCandidacy, String) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
Accept the invitation to join a wiki.
acceptRequest(MemberCandidacy, String, String) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
Accept the request to join the wiki.
addMember(String, String) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
Add a user as a member.
addMembers(Collection<String>, String) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
Add a list of users as a member.
askToJoin(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
Perform a request to join a wiki.


cancelCandidacy(MemberCandidacy) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
Cancel a candidacy.


equals(Object) - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserConfiguration


getAdminComment() - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy
Message of the admin that goes along the invitation or about his acceptance/refusal of the request.
getAdminId() - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy
The admin is the person who has sent the invitation or who review the join request.
getAdminPrivateComment() - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy
Private message about the candidacy that only the admin can see.
getAllInvitations(String) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
Get all the invitations to join a wiki.
getAllRequests(String) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
Get all the join requests for a wiki.
getCandidacy(String, int) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
Get the specified member candidacy.
getDateOfClosure() - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy
getDateOfCreation() - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy
getId() - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy
getLocalUsers(String) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
getMembers(String) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
getMembershipType() - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserConfiguration
getMembershipType(String) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
getStatus() - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy
getType() - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy
getUserComment() - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy
Message of the user which motivates his request or message about his acceptance/refusal of the invitation.
getUserId() - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy
The user is the person who ask or has been invited to join the wiki.
getUserScope() - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserConfiguration
getUserScope(String) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
getWikiId() - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy
GLOBAL_ONLY - org.xwiki.wiki.user.UserScope
Only global users are available in the wiki.


hashCode() - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserConfiguration
hasPendingInvitation(DocumentReference, String) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
hasPendingRequest(DocumentReference, String) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager


INVITATION - org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy.CandidateType
An admin has invited the user to join the wiki.
invite(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
Invite a global user to a wiki.
INVITE - org.xwiki.wiki.user.MembershipType
Only an admin can invite a user.
isMember(String, String) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
To know if a user is a member of a wiki.


join(String, String) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
Join a wiki.


leave(String, String) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
Leave a wiki.
LOCAL_AND_GLOBAL - org.xwiki.wiki.user.UserScope
Global and local users are both available in the wiki.
LOCAL_ONLY - org.xwiki.wiki.user.UserScope
Only local users are available in the wiki.


MemberCandidacy - Class in org.xwiki.wiki.user
Represents the invitation or the request to join a wiki.
MemberCandidacy() - Constructor for class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy
MemberCandidacy(String, String, MemberCandidacy.CandidateType) - Constructor for class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy
MemberCandidacy.CandidateType - Enum in org.xwiki.wiki.user
Type of the candidacy.
MemberCandidacy.Status - Enum in org.xwiki.wiki.user
Status of the candidacy.
MembershipType - Enum in org.xwiki.wiki.user
Used to specify how user can become member of a wiki.


OPEN - org.xwiki.wiki.user.MembershipType
Any user can join.
org.xwiki.wiki.user - package org.xwiki.wiki.user


PENDING - org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy.Status
The candidacy is waiting to be reviewed.


refuseInvitation(MemberCandidacy, String) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
Refuse the invitation to join a wiki.
refuseRequest(MemberCandidacy, String, String) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
Refuse the request to join the wiki.
REJECTED - org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy.Status
The candidacy has been rejected.
removeMember(String, String) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
Remove a member.
removeMembers(Collection<String>, String) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
Remove a list of members.
REQUEST - org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy.CandidateType
The user has requested to join the wiki.
REQUEST - org.xwiki.wiki.user.MembershipType
Any user can request to join but an admin must accept.


setAdminComment(String) - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy
setAdminId(String) - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy
setAdminPrivateComment(String) - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy
setDateOfClosure(Date) - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy
setDateOfCreation(Date) - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy
setId(int) - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy
setMembershipType(String, MembershipType) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
Set the membership type of the wiki and save the configuration.
setMembershipType(MembershipType) - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserConfiguration
setStatus(MemberCandidacy.Status) - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy
setType(MemberCandidacy.CandidateType) - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy
setUserComment(String) - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy
setUserId(String) - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy
setUserScope(String, UserScope) - Method in interface org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManager
Set the user scope of the wiki.
setUserScope(UserScope) - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserConfiguration
setWikiId(String) - Method in class org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy


UserScope - Enum in org.xwiki.wiki.user
Used to specify what kind of users are enabled on a wiki.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy.CandidateType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.xwiki.wiki.user.MembershipType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.xwiki.wiki.user.UserScope
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy.CandidateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.xwiki.wiki.user.MemberCandidacy.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.xwiki.wiki.user.MembershipType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.xwiki.wiki.user.UserScope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


WikiUserConfiguration - Class in org.xwiki.wiki.user
Configuration about the user management in a wiki.
WikiUserConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserConfiguration
WikiUserManager - Interface in org.xwiki.wiki.user
Component that manage how users can participate on a wiki (local users, members, invitation, etc...).
WikiUserManagerException - Exception in org.xwiki.wiki.user
Encapsulate any exception related to Wiki User Manager.
WikiUserManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManagerException
Construct an exception with the specified detail message.
WikiUserManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.xwiki.wiki.user.WikiUserManagerException
Construct an exception with the specified detail message and cause.
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