Class XWikiGroupServiceImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    XWikiGroupService, org.xwiki.observation.EventListener

    public class XWikiGroupServiceImpl
    extends Object
    implements XWikiGroupService, org.xwiki.observation.EventListener
    Default implementation of XWikiGroupService users and groups manager.
    $Id: 61853acf8e11d95f8cb5b36393dc084d62c91963 $
    • Field Detail


        public static final EntityReference GROUPCLASS_REFERENCE
    • Constructor Detail

      • XWikiGroupServiceImpl

        public XWikiGroupServiceImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • isAllGroupImplicit

        protected boolean isAllGroupImplicit​(XWikiContext context)
        Check whether the configuration specifies that every user is implicitly in XWikiAllGroup. Configured by the parameter in xwiki.cfg.
        context - the current XWiki context
        true if the group is implicit and all users should be by default in it, false if the group behaves as all other groups, containing only the users/subgroups that are explicitly listed inside the document.
      • replaceMemberInAllGroups

        public void replaceMemberInAllGroups​(DocumentReference memberSourceReference,
                                             DocumentReference memberTargetReference,
                                             XWikiContext context)
                                      throws XWikiException
        Description copied from interface: XWikiGroupService
        Replace a given member reference by another one in all groups of the wiki.
        Specified by:
        replaceMemberInAllGroups in interface XWikiGroupService
        memberSourceReference - the reference of the member that should be replaced
        memberTargetReference - the reference of the member that is used as replacement
        context - the current context
        XWikiException - in case of problem when doing the replacement
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Specified by:
        getName in interface org.xwiki.observation.EventListener
      • getEvents

        public List<Event> getEvents()
        Specified by:
        getEvents in interface org.xwiki.observation.EventListener
      • onEvent

        public void onEvent​(Event event,
                            Object source,
                            Object data)
        Specified by:
        onEvent in interface org.xwiki.observation.EventListener
      • getAllMatchedUsers

        public List<?> getAllMatchedUsers​(Object[][] matchFields,
                                          boolean withdetails,
                                          int nb,
                                          int start,
                                          Object[][] order,
                                          XWikiContext context)
                                   throws XWikiException
        Description copied from interface: XWikiGroupService
        Search for all users with provided constraints and in a provided order.
        Specified by:
        getAllMatchedUsers in interface XWikiGroupService
        matchFields - the field to math with values. It is a table of table with :
        • fiedname : the name of the field
        • fieldtype : for example StringProperty. If null the field is considered as document field
        • pattern matching : based on HQL "like" command
        withdetails - indicate if a List containing String names is returned or List containing XWikiDocument.
        nb - the maximum number of results to return. Infinite if 0.
        start - the index of the first found user to return.
        order - the fields to order from. It is a table of table with :
        • fieldname : the name of the field
        • fieldtype : for example StringProperty. If null the field is considered as document field
        • asc : a Boolean, if true the order is ascendent
        context - the XWikiContext.
        the list of users.
        XWikiException - error when getting users.
      • getAllMatchedGroups

        public List<?> getAllMatchedGroups​(Object[][] matchFields,
                                           boolean withdetails,
                                           int nb,
                                           int start,
                                           Object[][] order,
                                           XWikiContext context)
                                    throws XWikiException
        Description copied from interface: XWikiGroupService
        Search for all groups with provided constraints and in a provided order.
        Specified by:
        getAllMatchedGroups in interface XWikiGroupService
        matchFields - the field to math with values. It is a table of table with :
        • fiedname : the name of the field
        • fieldtype : for example StringProperty. If null the field is considered as document field
        • pattern matching : based on HQL "like" command
        withdetails - indicate if a List containing String names is returned or List containing XWikiDocument.
        nb - the maximum number of result to return. Infinite if 0.
        start - the index of the first found group to return.
        order - the field to order from. It is a table of table with :
        • fieldname : the name of the field
        • fieldtype : for example StringProperty. If null the field is considered as document field
        • asc : a Boolean, if true the order is ascendent
        context - the XWikiContext.
        the list of groups.
        XWikiException - error when getting groups.
      • createMatchUserOrGroupWhereClause

        protected String createMatchUserOrGroupWhereClause​(boolean user,
                                                           Object[][] matchFields,
                                                           Object[][] order,
                                                           List<Object> parameterValues)
        Create a "where clause" to use with XWikiStoreInterface searchDocuments and searchDocumentsNames methods.
        user - if true search for users, otherwise search for groups.
        matchFields - the field to math with values. It is a table of table with :
        • fiedname : the name of the field
        • fieldtype : for example StringProperty. If null the field is considered as document field
        • pattern matching : based on HQL "like" command
        order - the field to order from. It is a table of table with :
        • fieldname : the name of the field
        • fieldtype : for example StringProperty. If null the field is considered as document field
        • asc : a Boolean, if true the order is ascendent
        parameterValues - the list of values to fill for use with HQL named request.
        the formated HQL named request.
      • getAllMatchedUsersOrGroups

        protected List<?> getAllMatchedUsersOrGroups​(boolean user,
                                                     Object[][] matchFields,
                                                     boolean withdetails,
                                                     int nb,
                                                     int start,
                                                     Object[][] order,
                                                     XWikiContext context)
                                              throws XWikiException
        Search for all users or group with provided constraints and in a provided order.
        user - if true search for users, otherwise search for groups.
        matchFields - the field to math with values. It is a table of table with :
        • fiedname : the name of the field
        • fieldtype : for example StringProperty. If null the field is considered as document field
        • pattern matching : based on HQL "like" command
        withdetails - indicate if a List containing String names is returned or List containing XWikiDocument.
        nb - the maximum number of results to return. Infinite if 0.
        start - the index of the first found user or group to return.
        order - the field to order from. It is a table of table with :
        • fieldname : the name of the field
        • fieldtype : for example StringProperty. If null the field is considered as document field
        context - the XWikiContext.
        the list of users or groups.
        XWikiException - error when calling for XWikiStoreInterface.searchDocuments(String, int, int, List, XWikiContext) or XWikiStoreInterface.searchDocumentsNames(String, int, int, List, XWikiContext)
      • countAllMatchedUsersOrGroups

        protected int countAllMatchedUsersOrGroups​(boolean user,
                                                   Object[][] matchFields,
                                                   XWikiContext context)
                                            throws XWikiException
        Return number of users or groups with provided constraints.
        user - if true search for users, otherwise search for groups.
        matchFields - the field to math with values. It is a table of table with :
        • fiedname : the name of the field
        • fieldtype : for example StringProperty. If null the field is considered as document field
        • pattern matching : based on HQL "like" command
        context - the XWikiContext.
        the of found users or groups.
        XWikiException - error when calling for, int, int, List, XWikiContext)
      • countAllMatchedUsers

        public int countAllMatchedUsers​(Object[][] matchFields,
                                        XWikiContext context)
                                 throws XWikiException
        Description copied from interface: XWikiGroupService
        Return number of users with provided constraints.
        Specified by:
        countAllMatchedUsers in interface XWikiGroupService
        matchFields - the field to math with values. It is a table of table with :
        • fiedname : the name of the field
        • fieldtype : for example StringProperty. If null the field is considered as document field
        • pattern matching : based on HQL "like" command
        context - the XWikiContext.
        the of found users.
        XWikiException - error when getting number of users.
      • countAllMatchedGroups

        public int countAllMatchedGroups​(Object[][] matchFields,
                                         XWikiContext context)
                                  throws XWikiException
        Description copied from interface: XWikiGroupService
        Return number of groups with provided constraints.
        Specified by:
        countAllMatchedGroups in interface XWikiGroupService
        matchFields - the field to math with values. It is a table of table with :
        • fiedname : the name of the field
        • fieldtype : for example StringProperty. If null the field is considered as document field
        • pattern matching : based on HQL "like" command
        context - the XWikiContext.
        the of found groups.
        XWikiException - error when getting number of groups.
      • createMatchGroupMembersWhereClause

        protected String createMatchGroupMembersWhereClause​(String groupFullName,
                                                            String matchField,
                                                            Boolean orderAsc,
                                                            Map<String,​Object> parameterValues)
        Create a query to filter provided group members. Generate the entire HQL query except the select part.
        groupFullName - the fill wiki name of the group.
        matchField - a string to search in result to filter.
        orderAsc - if true, the result is ordered ascendent, if false it descendant. If null no order is applied.
        parameterValues - the values to insert in names query.
        the HQL query.
      • getAllGroupsNamesForMember

        public Collection<String> getAllGroupsNamesForMember​(String member,
                                                             int nb,
                                                             int start,
                                                             XWikiContext context)
                                                      throws XWikiException
        Description copied from interface: XWikiGroupService
        Get all groups containing provided member in the provided member wiki.

        Since 10.8RC1 it's recommended to use unless you want to bypass the cache.

        Specified by:
        getAllGroupsNamesForMember in interface XWikiGroupService
        member - the name of the member (user or group).
        nb - the maximum number of result to return.
        start - the index of the first found member to return.
        context - the XWiki context.
        the Collection of String containing group name.
        XWikiException - error when browsing groups.
      • getAllMembersNamesForGroup

        public Collection<String> getAllMembersNamesForGroup​(String group,
                                                             int nb,
                                                             int start,
                                                             XWikiContext context)
                                                      throws XWikiException
        Description copied from interface: XWikiGroupService
        Get all members provided group contains.

        Since 10.8RC1 it's recommended to use unless you want to bypass the cache.

        Specified by:
        getAllMembersNamesForGroup in interface XWikiGroupService
        group - the name of the group.
        nb - the maximum number of result to return.
        start - the index of the first found user to return.
        context - the XWiki context.
        the Collection of String containing member name.
        XWikiException - error when browsing groups.
      • getAllMatchedMembersNamesForGroup

        public Collection<String> getAllMatchedMembersNamesForGroup​(String group,
                                                                    String matchField,
                                                                    int nb,
                                                                    int start,
                                                                    Boolean orderAsc,
                                                                    XWikiContext context)
                                                             throws XWikiException
        Description copied from interface: XWikiGroupService
        Get members of provided group.
        Specified by:
        getAllMatchedMembersNamesForGroup in interface XWikiGroupService
        group - the group.
        matchField - a string to search in result to filter.
        nb - the maximum number of result to return.
        start - the index of the first found user to return.
        orderAsc - if true, the result is ordered ascendent, if false it descendant. If null no order is applied.
        context - the XWiki context.
        the Collection of String containing member name.
        XWikiException - error when browsing groups.
      • countAllGroupsNamesForMember

        public int countAllGroupsNamesForMember​(String member,
                                                XWikiContext context)
                                         throws XWikiException
        Description copied from interface: XWikiGroupService
        Return the number of groups containing provided member.

        Since 10.8RC1 it's recommended to use unless you want to bypass the cache.

        Specified by:
        countAllGroupsNamesForMember in interface XWikiGroupService
        member - the name of the member (user or group).
        context - the XWiki context.
        the number of groups.
        XWikiException - error when getting number of users.
      • countAllMembersNamesForGroup

        public int countAllMembersNamesForGroup​(String group,
                                                XWikiContext context)
                                         throws XWikiException
        Description copied from interface: XWikiGroupService
        Return the number of members provided group contains.

        Since 10.8RC1 it's recommended to use unless you want to bypass the cache.

        Specified by:
        countAllMembersNamesForGroup in interface XWikiGroupService
        group - the name of the group.
        context - the XWiki context.
        the number of members.
        XWikiException - error when getting number of groups.