Class XWikiStatsServiceImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    XWikiStatsService, org.xwiki.observation.EventListener

    public class XWikiStatsServiceImpl
    extends Object
    implements XWikiStatsService, org.xwiki.observation.EventListener
    Store and retrieve statistics.
    $Id: 2411e81d548b94306930fb29d5ae235e662b2400 $
    • Constructor Detail

      • XWikiStatsServiceImpl

        public XWikiStatsServiceImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Specified by:
        getName in interface org.xwiki.observation.EventListener
      • getEvents

        public List<Event> getEvents()
        Specified by:
        getEvents in interface org.xwiki.observation.EventListener
      • init

        public void init​(XWikiContext context)
        Description copied from interface: XWikiStatsService
        Methods called just one time at XWiki initialization.
        Specified by:
        init in interface XWikiStatsService
        context - the XWiki context.
      • getRecentActions

        public Collection<Object> getRecentActions​(String action,
                                                   int size,
                                                   XWikiContext context)
        Description copied from interface: XWikiStatsService
        Return the statistics action stored.
        Specified by:
        getRecentActions in interface XWikiStatsService
        action - the action.
        size - the maximum size of the list to return.
        context - the XWiki context.
        the list of recent statistics action stored.
      • onEvent

        public void onEvent​(Event event,
                            Object source,
                            Object data)
        Specified by:
        onEvent in interface org.xwiki.observation.EventListener
      • getActionStatistics

        public Map<?,​?> getActionStatistics​(String action,
                                                  Scope scope,
                                                  Period period,
                                                  Duration step,
                                                  XWikiContext context)
        Description copied from interface: XWikiStatsService
        Shows how the statistics for the specified action have evolved over the specified period of time.
        Specified by:
        getActionStatistics in interface XWikiStatsService
        action - the action for which to retrieve statistics.
        scope - the set of documents to consider.
        period - the period of time.
        step - the step used for sampling the period.
        context - the XWiki context.
        a map of (date, actionCount) pairs.
      • getDocumentStatistics

        public List<DocumentStats> getDocumentStatistics​(String action,
                                                         Scope scope,
                                                         Period period,
                                                         Range range,
                                                         XWikiContext context)
        Description copied from interface: XWikiStatsService
        Retrieves document statistics.
        Specified by:
        getDocumentStatistics in interface XWikiStatsService
        action - the action the results should be ordered by. It can be one of: "view", "save" or "download". If the action is "view" then the documents are ordered by the number of times they have been viewed so far.
        scope - the set of documents for which to retrieve statistics.
        period - the period of time.
        range - the sub-range to return from the entire result set. Use this parameter for pagination.
        context - the XWiki context.
        A list of DocumentStats objects
      • getBackLinkStatistics

        public List<DocumentStats> getBackLinkStatistics​(String domain,
                                                         Scope scope,
                                                         Period period,
                                                         Range range,
                                                         XWikiContext context)
        Description copied from interface: XWikiStatsService
        Retrieves back-link statistics.
        Specified by:
        getBackLinkStatistics in interface XWikiStatsService
        domain - the domain used for filtering the results.
        scope - the scope of referred documents for which to retrieve statistics.
        period - the period of time.
        range - the sub-range to return from the entire result set. Use this parameter for pagination.
        context - the XWiki context.
        a list of DocumentStats objects.
      • getRefererStatistics

        public List<RefererStats> getRefererStatistics​(String domain,
                                                       Scope scope,
                                                       Period period,
                                                       Range range,
                                                       XWikiContext context)
        Description copied from interface: XWikiStatsService
        Retrieves referrer statistics.
        Specified by:
        getRefererStatistics in interface XWikiStatsService
        domain - the domain for which to retrieve statistics. To retrieve statistics for all domains use the empty string.
        scope - the scope of referred documents to use for filtering the results.
        period - the period of time.
        range - the sub-range to return from the entire result set. Use this parameter for pagination.
        context - the XWiki context.
        a list of RefererStats objects.
      • getVisitStatistics

        public List<VisitStats> getVisitStatistics​(String action,
                                                   Period period,
                                                   Range range,
                                                   XWikiContext context)
        Description copied from interface: XWikiStatsService
        Retrieves visit statistics.
        Specified by:
        getVisitStatistics in interface XWikiStatsService
        action - the action the results should be ordered by. It can be one of: "view", "save" or "download". If the action is "view" then the visitors are ordered by the number of pages they have viewed so far.
        period - the period of time.
        range - the sub-range to return from the entire result set. Use this parameter for pagination.
        context - the XWiki context.
        a list of VisitStats objects.
      • getDocTotalStats

        public DocumentStats getDocTotalStats​(String docname,
                                              String action,
                                              XWikiContext context)
        Description copied from interface: XWikiStatsService
        Gets total statistics on a document for a specific action.
        Specified by:
        getDocTotalStats in interface XWikiStatsService
        docname - fully qualified document name.
        action - can be "view", "edit", "save", etc..
        context - the XWiki context.
        DocumentStats - statistics object.
      • getDocMonthStats

        public DocumentStats getDocMonthStats​(String docname,
                                              String action,
                                              Date month,
                                              XWikiContext context)
        Description copied from interface: XWikiStatsService
        Gets monthly statistics on a document for a specific action.
        Specified by:
        getDocMonthStats in interface XWikiStatsService
        docname - fully qualified document name.
        action - can be "view", "edit", "save", etc..
        month - the month.
        context - the XWiki context.
        DocumentStats - statistics object.
      • getDocDayStats

        public DocumentStats getDocDayStats​(String docname,
                                            String action,
                                            Date day,
                                            XWikiContext context)
        Description copied from interface: XWikiStatsService
        Gets day statistics on a document for a specific action.
        Specified by:
        getDocDayStats in interface XWikiStatsService
        docname - fully qualified document name.
        action - can be "view", "edit", "save", etc..
        day - the day.
        context - the XWiki context.
        DocumentStats - statistics object.