Class PdfURLFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PdfURLFactory
    extends FileSystemURLFactory
    Computes Image and Link URLs for attachments by using an absolute URLs but stores a Map in the XWiki Context to associate attachment URLs to Attachment Entity References so that when executing a PDF export the custom URI Resolver we use can stream image attachment content so that they are embedded in the PDF.
    $Id: 69ef97589d3d87a40e870e34a37340d01594e3b9 $
    • Constructor Detail

      • PdfURLFactory

        public PdfURLFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • createAttachmentURL

        public URL createAttachmentURL​(String filename,
                                       String spaces,
                                       String name,
                                       String action,
                                       String querystring,
                                       String wiki,
                                       XWikiContext context)
        Specified by:
        createAttachmentURL in interface XWikiURLFactory
        createAttachmentURL in class FileSystemURLFactory
        spaces - a serialized space reference which can contain one or several spaces (e.g. "space1.space2"). If a space name contains a dot (".") it must be passed escaped as in "space1\.with\.dot.space2"
        querystring - the URL-encoded Query String. It's important to realize that the implementation of this method cannot encode it automatically since the Query String is passed as a String (and it's not possible to differentiate between a '=' character that should be encoded and one that shouldn't. Imagine an input of 'a=&b=c' which can be understood either as 'a' = '&b=c' or as 'a' = '' and 'b' = 'c'). Ideally we would need an API signature that accepts a Map<String, String> for the Query String, for example
      • createAttachmentRevisionURL

        public URL createAttachmentRevisionURL​(String filename,
                                               String spaces,
                                               String name,
                                               String revision,
                                               String wiki,
                                               XWikiContext context)
        Specified by:
        createAttachmentRevisionURL in interface XWikiURLFactory
        createAttachmentRevisionURL in class FileSystemURLFactory
        spaces - a serialized space reference which can contain one or several spaces (e.g. "space1.space2"). If a space name contains a dot (".") it must be passed escaped as in "space1\.with\.dot.space2"
        wiki - the URL-encoded Query String. It's important to realize that the implementation of this method cannot encode it automatically since the Query String is passed as a String (and it's not possible to differentiate between a '=' character that should be encoded and one that shouldn't. Imagine an input of 'a=&b=c' which can be understood either as 'a' = '&b=c' or as 'a' = '' and 'b' = 'c'). Ideally we would need an API signature that accepts a Map<String, String> for the Query String, for example
      • createAttachmentRevisionURL

        public URL createAttachmentRevisionURL​(String filename,
                                               String spaces,
                                               String name,
                                               String revision,
                                               String querystring,
                                               String xwikidb,
                                               XWikiContext context)
        Specified by:
        createAttachmentRevisionURL in interface XWikiURLFactory
        createAttachmentRevisionURL in class XWikiServletURLFactory
        spaces - a serialized space reference which can contain one or several spaces (e.g. "space1.space2"). If a space name contains a dot (".") it must be passed escaped as in "space1\.with\.dot.space2"
        querystring - the URL-encoded Query String. It's important to realize that the implementation of this method cannot encode it automatically since the Query String is passed as a String (and it's not possible to differentiate between a '=' character that should be encoded and one that shouldn't. Imagine an input of 'a=&b=c' which can be understood either as 'a' = '&b=c' or as 'a' = '' and 'b' = 'c'). Ideally we would need an API signature that accepts a Map<String, String> for the Query String, for example