All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractDataMigrationManager |
AbstractDropNotNullDataMigration |
Remove a non-null constraint from a colomn.
AbstractHibernateDataMigration |
Template for data migration of hibernate store.
AbstractMandatoryClassInitializer |
Base class for standard mandatory document initializers.
AbstractMandatoryDocumentInitializer |
Base class for standard mandatory document initializers.
AbstractPropChangeAction |
Base class for manipulating property definitions: disable, enable, delete.
AbstractResizeMigration |
Extended by migrations which need to resize columns to the maximum index supported by MySQL: 768.
AbstractSimpleClass |
AbstractStatsStoreItem |
AbstractXWikiAuthService |
Common methods useful to all Authentication services implementations.
AbstractXWikiRecordableEventDescriptor |
AbstractXWikiRunnable |
Base class for any XWiki daemon class.
ActionFilter |
A filter that dispatches requests to the right action, depending on the button that was pressed in the editing form.
AdminAction |
Administration xwiki action.
AllowDeny |
Contains list of users and groups for allow right and deny right.
Api |
Base class for all API Objects.
AppServerTrustedAuthServiceImpl |
Implements an authentication mechanism which is trusting the App Server authentication.
AppServerTrustedKerberosAuthServiceImpl |
AttachAction |
Attachment |
AttachmentDiff |
AttachmentDiff |
AttachmentRecycleBinContentStore |
Store the content of a deleted attachment.
AttachmentRecycleBinStore |
Interface for AttachmentRecycleBin feature (XWIKI-2254) store system.
AttachmentVersioningStore |
Interface for storing attachment versions.
BaseClass |
Represents an XClass, and contains XClass properties.
BaseCollection<R extends EntityReference> |
Base class for representing an element having a collection of properties.
BaseElement<R extends EntityReference> |
Base class for representing an element having a name (either a reference of a free form name) and a pretty name.
BaseObject |
BaseObjectReference |
Object reference implementation for object names generated in className[objectNumber] format.
BaseProperty<R extends EntityReference> |
BaseStringProperty |
Base string XProperty which all types of string XProperties extend.
BooleanClass |
BooleanMetaClass |
Defines the meta properties of a boolean XClass property.
BufferedResponse |
BufferOutputStream |
CancelAction |
Class |
ClassInterface |
Collection |
CommentAddAction |
Action used to post a comment on a page, adds a comment object to the document and saves it, requires comment right
but not edit right.
CommentSaveAction |
Action used to edit+save an existing comment in a page, saves the comment object in the document, requires comment
right but not edit right.
ComputedFieldClass |
Computed Field Class allows to create a field without storage that will display computed values based on other data
in the object or wiki.
ComputedFieldMetaClass |
Computed Field Class allows to create a field without storage that will display computed values based on other data
in the object or wiki.
Context |
Provides a secure proxy for the internal XWikiContext class, that can be used safely in scripts.
CoreConfiguration |
Configuration properties for the Core module.
CreateAction |
Create document action.
CreateActionRequestHandler |
Helper class used to handle one individual create action request.
CriteriaService |
Criteria service api.
DatabaseProduct |
DataMigration |
Interface for data migration.
DataMigrationException |
Exception issued by the data migration components for an unexpected issue.
DataMigrationManager |
Interface for all migration managers.
DataMigrationStatus |
Common interface to report data migration status.
DateClass |
Defines an XClass property type whose value is a Date.
DateMetaClass |
Defines the meta properties of a date XClass property.
DateProperty |
Represents a date property.
DBCPConnectionProvider |
A connection provider that uses an Apache commons DBCP connection pool.
DBListClass |
DBListMetaClass |
Defines the meta properties of a database list XClass property.
DBStringListProperty |
DBTreeListClass |
DBTreeListMetaClass |
Defines the meta properties of a database tree list XClass property.
DefaultDocumentAccessBridge |
Exposes methods for accessing Document data.
DefaultHibernateSessionFactory |
DefaultQueryExecutor |
The default QueryExecutor, this uses The HqlQueryExecutor since XWikiHibernateStore is the default store.
DefaultSkinAccessBridge |
DefaultVelocityManager |
Note: This class should be moved to the Velocity module.
DeleteAction |
Action for delete document to recycle bin and for delete documents from recycle bin.
DeleteAttachmentAction |
Delete attachment xwiki action.
DeletedAttachment |
Information about a deleted attachment in the recycle bin.
DeletedAttachment |
DeletedAttachmentContent |
The content of the stored deleted attachment.
DeletedDocument |
Information about a deleted document in the recycle bin.
DeleteSpaceAction |
Action for deleting an entire space, optionally saving all the deleted documents to the document trash, if enabled.
DeleteVersionsAction |
Struts action for deleting document versions.
DeleteVersionsForm |
DeprecatedContext |
DisplayScriptService |
Exposes Displayer s to scripts.
Document |
This class represents a document or page in the wiki.
DocumentCommentedEventDescriptor |
Descriptor for CommentAddedEvent .
DocumentCreatedEventDescriptor |
DocumentDeletedEventDescriptor |
DocumentFilter |
DocumentInfo |
DocumentInfoAPI |
DocumentRevisionExcepion |
DocumentRevisionProvider |
Provide generic way of requesting a specific revision of a document from several sources (database, installed XAR
extension, etc.).
DocumentSection |
DocumentStats |
The document statistics database object.
DocumentStats.Property |
The properties of document statistics object.
DocumentStatsStoreItem |
Store document statistics into the database.
DocumentUpdatedEventDescriptor |
DoubleProperty |
DownloadAction |
The action for downloading attachments from the server.
DownloadRevAction |
Duration |
Immutable duration for retrieving statistics.
DurationFactory |
Helper factory class for creating Duration objects in velocity.
EditAction |
Initializes a document before it is edited.
EditBean |
EditForm |
An object containing the information sent in an action request to perform changes on a document.
Element |
Element is a superclass for any XWiki Class, Object, or Property which might be stored in the database.
ElementComparator |
Compare and sort instances of ElementInterface by name.
ElementInterface |
EmailClass |
Email Field Class allows to create a field for email values.
EmailMetaClass |
Email Field Class allows to create a field for email values.
ExcludeDocumentException |
ExportAction |
Exports in XAR, PDF, HTML and all output formats supported by *Office (when an *Office Server is running).
ExportURLFactory |
Handle URL generation in rendered wiki pages.
ExportURLFactoryActionHandler |
Allows code to override how to handle creating URLs for specific Entity resource actions.
ExternalServletURLFactory |
URL Factory which always prints the absolute (external) form of URLs.
FileSystemURLFactory |
Special URL Factory used during exports, which stores referenced attachments and resources on the filesystem, in a
temporary folder, so that they can be included in the export result.
FileUploadPlugin |
Plugin that offers access to uploaded files.
FileUploadPluginApi |
Plugin that offers access to uploaded files.
FloatProperty |
GetAction |
Action used to get a resource that is a part of a page loaded asynchronously generally for performance reasons.
GroovyAuthServiceImpl |
GroupsClass |
Defines an XClass property type whose value is a list of group references.
GroupsMetaClass |
Defines the meta properties of a groups XClass property.
HibernateAttachmentRecycleBinStore |
HibernateAttachmentVersioningStore |
HibernateDataMigration |
Hibernate data migrations role.
HibernateDataMigrationManager |
Migration manager for hibernate store.
HibernateSessionFactory |
HomePageRedirectServlet |
A simple action that redirects to the main page of the wiki.
HqlQueryExecutor |
QueryExecutor implementation for Hibernate Store.
HtmlPackager |
Create a ZIP package containing a range of HTML pages with skin and attachment dependencies.
ImportAction |
XWiki Action responsible for importing XAR archives.
IncludeServletAsString |
IntegerProperty |
JobRequestContext |
LargeStringProperty |
LazyXWikiDocument |
Read only lazy loading document.
LegacyActionServlet |
Executed the right right action depending on the XWiki configuration (for example leading to view action by default
if enabled, etc.).
LegacyDataMigration |
Migration for XWIKI4396: Duplicate document ID.
LevelsClass |
LevelsMetaClass |
Defines the meta properties of a access rights levels XClass property.
LevelTree |
Contains all rights for a level right.
ListClass |
ListItem |
An entry in a List or in a Tree.
ListMetaClass |
Defines the default meta properties for all list XClass property types.
ListProperty |
ListProperty.NotifyList |
List implementation for updating dirty flag when updated.
LockAction |
LoginAction |
Action for displaying the login form.
LoginErrorAction |
Action for re-displaying the login form when the submitted username and password are wrong.
LoginSubmitAction |
Action for processing login requests sent using the normal web login form.
LogoutAction |
Action for processing logout requests.
LongProperty |
MailPlugin |
MailPluginApi |
MandatoryDocumentInitializer |
Provide a document that should be initialized at startup and when creating a new wiki.
MandatoryDocumentInitializerManager |
Provide utility method to access various mandatory document initializers.
MetaClass |
A pseudo XClass whose fields are meta properties.
MetaDataDiff |
MigrationRequiredException |
Exception issued by the data migration components when an access is attempted on a database that have not been
migrated to the latest version.
MonitorData |
MonitorPlugin |
MonitorTimer |
MonitorTimerSummary |
MyBasicAuthenticator |
MyFilterConfig |
MyFormAuthenticator |
MyPersistentLoginManager |
Class responsible for remembering the login information between requests.
NumberClass |
NumberMetaClass |
Defines the meta properties of a number XClass property.
NumberProperty<N extends Number> |
Object |
ObjectAddAction |
ObjectAddForm |
Note: We store the class name as a String and not a Document Reference since Struts Form beans are called before
there's an Execution Context available and before there's a current document in the Execution Context.
ObjectDiff |
ObjectInterface |
ObjectPolicyType |
Enumeration of supported object policy types.
ObjectRemoveAction |
ObjectRemoveForm |
ObjectsSynchronizeAction |
Synchronizes the objects in a document with their current classes, by removing any deprecated properties.
Package |
PackageAPI |
PackageException |
PackagePlugin |
PageClass |
Page Field Class allows to create a field for storing page references.
PageMetaClass |
Page Field Class allows to create a field for storing page references.
ParentChildScriptService |
This script service give an access to the configuration of the parent/child mechanism, which has been deprecated
but can still be enabled for retro-compatibility issues.
PasswordClass |
PasswordMetaClass |
Defines the meta properties of a boolean XClass property.
PdfExport |
PDF Exporter, converts a wiki Document into PDF.
PdfExport.ExportType |
Describes export types.
PdfExportImpl |
Default implementation for the PDF Export process, which uses XSLT transformations and Apache FOP to convert a
Document into PDF, passing through HTML, valid XHTML, styled XHTML, and XSL-FO.
PDFResourceResolver |
Resolves URIs sent by Apache FOP to embed images in the exported PDF.
PdfURLFactory |
Deprecated. |
Period |
Immutable period for retrieving statistics.
PeriodFactory |
Helper factory class for creating Period objects in velocity.
PluginApi<T extends XWikiPluginInterface> |
PluginException |
PreviewAction |
Action for previewing document changes.
PreviewForm |
Programming |
Indicates that a method requires programming rights to be executed.
PropAddAction |
PropAddForm |
PropChangeForm |
PropDeleteAction |
Action for removing a property definition from the current class.
PropDisableAction |
Action for disabling a property definition of the current class.
PropEnableAction |
Action for re-enabling a property definition of the current class.
Property |
Property is a single attribute of an XWiki Object .
PropertyClass |
XProperty definition API.
PropertyClass |
Represents an XClass property and contains property definitions (eg "relational storage", "display type",
"separator", "multi select", etc).
PropertyClassInterface |
The interface implemented by all XClass properties.
PropertyInterface |
PropertyMetaClass |
Default implementation of PropertyMetaClassInterface .
PropUpdateAction |
R1008010XWIKI10092DataMigration |
Migration for XWIKI-10092.
R1138000XWIKI16709DataMigration |
Migration for XWIKI-16709: the disable property is removed and a checked_email property is added from XWikiUsers.
R130200000XWIKI17200DataMigration |
This migration aims at applying the fix done on (change the type of some
column so that they fit in the maximum allowed maximum row size for the used table type) instances older than
R140000000XWIKI19125DataMigration |
Migration for XWIKI-19125: Copy the author reference value to the new original metadata author reference.
R140200000XWIKI19352DataMigration |
Remove the xwikilinks table to allow it to be recreated from scratch.
R140200010XWIKI19207DataMigration |
This migration increase the maximum size of various columns to the maximum index supported by MySQL: 768.
R140600000XWIKI19869DataMigration |
Migration responsible for ensuring the password fields are properly hashed.
R15428XWIKI2977DataMigration |
Migration for XWIKI2977: Add a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) to objects.
R35100XWIKI7564DataMigration |
Migration for XWIKI-7564: Manually change the SQL type of long binary columns from inline bytea to proper LOBs when
the underlying database is PostgreSQL.
R35101XWIKI7645DataMigration |
Migration for XWIKI-7564: Manually change the SQL type of long binary columns from LONG RAW to proper BLOBs when the
underlying database is Oracle.
R35102XWIKI7771DataMigration |
Migration for XWIKI-7771: Fix the LOBs wrongly created by the 3.2-3.5 mapping files for PostgreSQL.
R40000XWIKI6990DataMigration |
Migration for XWIKI-6990 Reduce the likelihood of having same (hibernate) document id for different documents.
R42000XWIKI7726DataMigration |
Migration for XWIKI-7726: Unable to delete attachments larger than 10 mb using the jetty + hsql distribution.
R43000XWIKI6691DataMigration |
Migration for XWIKI-6691: Reduce the size of the ASE_REQUESTID column to 48-chars.
R4340XWIKI883DataMigration |
Migration for XWIKI-883: global access preferences cannot be updated.
R4359XWIKI1459DataMigration |
Migration for XWIKI1459: keep document history in a separate table.
R54600TranslationDataMigration |
Fix any existing mistake with document translation field.
R6079XWIKI1878DataMigration |
Migration for XWIKI1878: Fix xwikircs table isdiff data not matching RCS state of some revisions (when the state says
"full" the isdiff column in the database should be false).
R6405XWIKI1933DataMigration |
Migration for XWIKI1933: Editing users fails.
R72000XWIKI12153DataMigration |
Migration for XWIKI-12153: Implement nested spaces support at database level.
R72001XWIKI12228DataMigration |
Migration for XWIKI-12228: Provide API and probably storage for optimized space related queries.
R73000XWIKI12277DataMigration |
Migration for XWIKI-12277: Remove the 'type' xproperty from TemplateProviderClass
R7350XWIKI2079DataMigration |
Migration for XWIKI2079: When migrating the document archive format from 1.0 or before to 1.2, delete the old
XWD_ARCHIVE field, as it will prevent saving documents, since that column used to have a NOT NULL constraint.
R90000XWIKI13474DataMigration |
Migration for XWIKI-13474.
R911000XWIKI14889DataMigration |
Migration for XWIKI-14889.
R911001XWIKI14895DataMigration |
Migration for XWIKI-14895.
Range |
Immutable continuous integer range.
RangeFactory |
Helper factory class for creating Range objects in velocity
RedirectAction |
RedirectionFilter |
Allows to perform a redirection according to the context.
RefererStats |
The referer statistics database object.
RefererStats.Property |
The properties of document statistics object.
RefererStatsStoreItem |
Store referer statistics into the database.
RegisterAction |
Register xwiki action.
RequestLimit |
Contains maximum number of result to return and index of the first element.
ResetVersionsAction |
RevisionCriteria |
information about document versions used to retreive a set of document versions.
RevisionCriteriaFactory |
RevisionInfo |
API object for get info about some version of Document.
RightsManager |
Hidden toolkit used by the plugin API that make all the plugin's actions.
RightsManagerException |
Rights Manager plugin base exception.
RightsManagerGroupsApi |
API for managing groups.
RightsManagerListener |
Listener to user and groups events to apply related automatic task like cleaning groups and rights objects.
RightsManagerPlugin |
Entry point of the Rights Manager plugin.
RightsManagerPluginApi |
API for managing rights, users and groups.
RightsManagerRightsApi |
API for managing rights and inheritance.
RightsManagerUsersApi |
API for managing users.
RollbackAction |
RollbackForm |
SaveAction |
Action used for saving and proceeding to view the saved page.
SaveAndContinueAction |
Action used for saving and returning to the edit page rather than viewing changes.
Scope |
Immutable scope for retrieving statistics.
ScopeFactory |
Helper factory class for creating Scope objects in velocity
ScriptHttpSession |
A wrapper around HttpSession with security related checks.
ScriptVelocityContext |
Maintains the current ScriptContext in sync with any modification of the VelocityContext.
ScriptXWikiServletRequest |
SearchEngineRule |
Matching tool able to find if a referer is a particular search engine.
SheetScriptService |
SkinAction |
Action for serving skin files.
StaticListClass |
StaticListMetaClass |
Defines the meta properties of a static list XClass property.
StatsService |
Statistics api.
StatsUtil |
Utility class for statistics.
StatsUtil.PeriodType |
The type of the period.
StringClass |
StringListProperty |
StringMetaClass |
Defines the meta properties of a string XClass property.
StringProperty |
XProperty for containing a string of limited size (default 255 characters max).
SVGAction |
SVGPlugin |
SVGPluginApi |
TemporaryAttachmentException |
TemporaryAttachmentSessionsManager |
Interface for operations related to temporary upload of attachments.
TextAreaClass |
TextAreaClass.ContentType |
Possible values for the contenttype meta property.
TextAreaClass.EditorType |
Possible values for the editor meta property.
TextAreaMetaClass |
Defines the meta properties of a text area XClass property.
TimezoneClass |
Timezone Field Class allows to create a field for Timezone values.
TimezoneMetaClass |
Defines the meta properties of a Timezone XClass property.
TOCGenerator |
UndeleteAction |
Action for restoring documents from the recycle bin.
UnknownAction |
Action used when the url given to struts is not recognised as a valid action.
UploadAction |
Action that handles uploading document attachments.
User |
Scriptable API for easy handling of users.
UsersClass |
Defines an XClass property type whose value is a list of user references.
UsersGroups |
Contains a collection of users and groups.
UsersMetaClass |
Defines the meta properties of a users XClass property.
Util |
Utility APIs, available to scripting environments under the util variable.
Util |
Utils |
ViewAction |
Action called when the request URL has the "/view/" string in its path (this is configured in
struts-config.xml .
ViewAttachRevAction |
VisitStats |
The visit statistics database object.
VisitStats.Property |
The properties of visit statistics object.
VisitStatsStoreItem |
Store visit statistics into the database.
VoidAttachmentVersioningStore |
Void store for attachment versioning when it is disabled.
VoidAttachmentVersioningStore.VoidAttachmentArchive |
Void realization of AttachmentArchive.
WikiSubstitution |
WrappingXWikiRequest |
XWiki |
XWiki |
XWikiAction |
Root class for most XWiki actions.
XWikiAttachment |
XWikiAttachment.AttachmentContainer |
XWikiAttachmentArchive |
JRCS based implementation of an archive for XWikiAttachment.
XWikiAttachmentContent |
The content of an attachment.
XWikiAttachmentStoreInterface |
Interface for Attachment store system.
XWikiAuthenticator |
XWikiAuthService |
XWikiAuthServiceImpl |
XWikiCacheStore |
A proxy store implementation that caches Documents when they are first fetched and subsequently return them from a
XWikiCacheStoreInterface |
XWikiConfig |
XWikiConstant |
XWikiContext |
Represents the execution environment for all the wiki pages.
XWikiContextInitializationFilter |
This filter can be used to initialize the XWiki context before processing a request.
XWikiContextInitializer |
XWikiCriteriaService |
XWikiCriteriaServiceImpl |
XWikiDBVersion |
Stores XWiki's data version in the database.
XWikiDefaultPlugin |
XWikiDefaultStore |
XWikiDefaultURLFactory |
XWikiDefaultValidation |
XWikiDeletedDocument |
XWikiDeletedDocumentContent |
The content of the stored deleted document.
XWikiDocument |
XWikiDocument.XWikiAttachmentToRemove |
An attachment waiting to be deleted at next document save.
XWikiDocumentArchive |
Contains document history.
XWikiDocumentIndexingTask |
Hold the information about a queued task.
XWikiEngineContext |
XWikiException |
XWikiFOPEventListener |
Prevent errors happening in FOP from stopping the PDF export.
XWikiForm |
XWikiGroupService |
Interface giving access to users and groups management.
XWikiGroupServiceImpl |
XWikiHibernateAttachmentStore |
XWikiHibernateBaseStore |
XWikiHibernateBaseStore.HibernateCallback<T> |
Callback (closure) interface for operations in Hibernate.
XWikiHibernateRecycleBinStore |
XWikiHibernateStore |
The XWiki Hibernate database driver.
XWikiHibernateVersioningStore |
XWikiLink |
XWikiLock |
XWikiMessageTool |
XWikiPageClassLoader |
XWikiPatch |
Contains differences between revisions.
XWikiPatchUtils |
Diff and patch utility.
XWikiPluginInterface |
XWikiPluginManager |
XWikiRCSArchive |
XWikiRCSNodeContent |
Contains differences between document versions.
XWikiRCSNodeId |
XWikiRCSNodeInfo |
Contains information about document version.
XWikiRecycleBinContentStoreInterface |
Store the content of a deleted document.
XWikiRecycleBinStoreInterface |
Interface for RecycleBin feature (XWIKI-543) store system.
XWikiRequest |
XWikiResourceManagerImpl |
XWikiResponse |
XWikiRightNotFoundException |
XWikiRightService |
XWikiRightServiceImpl |
XWikiScriptContextInitializer |
Inject in the ScriptContext the XWiki context and the XWiki instance for backward compatibility.
XWikiSecurityManager |
XWikiServletContext |
XWikiServletRequest |
HttpServletRequest implementation with XWiki related specific behavior.
XWikiServletRequestStub |
This stub is intended to simulate a servlet request in a daemon context, in order to be able to create a custom XWiki
XWikiServletRequestStub.Builder |
XWikiServletResponse |
XWikiServletResponseStub |
This stub is intended to simulate a servlet request in a daemon context, in order to be able to create a custom XWiki
XWikiServletURLFactory |
XWikiSpace |
Represent a space.
XWikiStats |
Base class for all stored statistics object.
XWikiStats.Property |
The properties of statistics object.
XWikiStatsReader |
Reader statistics from XWiki database.
XWikiStatsService |
Store and retrieve statistics.
XWikiStatsServiceImpl |
Store and retrieve statistics.
XWikiStatsStoreItem |
Object containing statistics information to store.
XWikiStatsStoreService |
Back-end statistics storing service.
XWikiStoreInterface |
XWikiStubContextProvider |
Tool to make easier to generate stub XWikiContext.
XWikiURLFactory |
XWikiURLFactoryService |
XWikiURLFactoryServiceImpl |
XWikiUser |
XWikiValidationInterface |
XWikiValidationStatus |
XWikiVersioningStoreInterface |
Interface for manipulate document history.