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cancel() - Method in class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentPickerModal
clearSelection() - Method in class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentTreeElement


DocumentPickerModal - Class in org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po
Represents the modal opened when the user changes the location with the DocumentPicker.
DocumentPickerModal() - Constructor for class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentPickerModal
DocumentPickerModal(By) - Constructor for class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentPickerModal
DocumentTreeElement - Class in org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po
Page object used to interact with the document tree.
DocumentTreeElement(WebElement) - Constructor for class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentTreeElement
Creates a new instance that can be used to interact with the document tree represented by the given element.


getAttachmentNode(String...) - Method in class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentTreeElement
getAttachmentNode(AttachmentReference) - Method in class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentTreeElement
getDocumentNode(String...) - Method in class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentTreeElement
getSpaceNode(String...) - Method in class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentTreeElement
getTree() - Method in class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentPickerModal


hasAttachment(String...) - Method in class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentTreeElement
hasDocument(String...) - Method in class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentTreeElement
hasSpace(String...) - Method in class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentTreeElement


openTo(String) - Method in class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentTreeElement
openToAttachment(String...) - Method in class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentTreeElement
Opens the tree to the specified attachment.
openToAttachment(AttachmentReference) - Method in class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentTreeElement
Open the tree to the specific attachment.
openToDocument(String...) - Method in class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentTreeElement
Opens the tree to the specified document.
openToSpace(String...) - Method in class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentTreeElement
Opens the tree to the specified space.
org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po - package org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po


select() - Method in class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentPickerModal
selectDocument(String...) - Method in class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentPickerModal


waitForDocumentSelected(String...) - Method in class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentPickerModal
Helper method to wait for the specified document to be selected.
waitForDocumentSelected(String...) - Method in class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentTreeElement
Waits for the specified document to be selected.
waitForIt() - Method in class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentPickerModal
waitForIt() - Method in class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentTreeElement
waitToClose() - Method in class org.xwiki.index.tree.test.po.DocumentPickerModal
The modal may have a fade out effect on close which means it may not disappear instantly.
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