Interface IWemListenerProgramming

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    AgregatingWemListener, CompositeListener, EmptyWemListener, EventDumpListener, JspWikiSerializer, PrintInlineListener, PrintListener, PrintTextListener, XWikiSerializer, XWikiSerializer2

    public interface IWemListenerProgramming
    This interface re-groups all listener methods related to document elements which should be interpreted by the client code. The meaning of extensions and macros is not defined by the WikiModel. The general recommended semantic of macros - macros can be used to define interpreted/executable code in the handled document. Extensions are used mostly to call already defined somewhere code to insert back the results of these calls in the document. handled document. But the exact semantic and associated actions of these elements should be defined by the client code in an implementation-specific way.
    $Id: 5f25e5f37b564e5e49aa123dd2ae8d0197dc507b $
    • Method Detail

      • onExtensionBlock

        void onExtensionBlock​(String extensionName,
                              WikiParameters params)
        This method is used to notify about a new extension which CAN generate block elements as a result of its interpretation.
        extensionName - the name of the extension
        params - parameters for the extension
      • onExtensionInline

        void onExtensionInline​(String extensionName,
                               WikiParameters params)
        This method is used to notify about a new extension which CAN generate in-line elements as a result of its interpretation. This method CAN NOT generate block elements.
        extensionName - the name of the extension
        params - parameters for the extension
      • onMacroBlock

        void onMacroBlock​(String macroName,
                          WikiParameters params,
                          String content)
        This method is used to notify about a new in-line macro which CAN generate block elements as a result of its interpretation.
        macroName - the name of the macro
        params - parameters of the macro
        content - the content of the macro
      • onMacroInline

        void onMacroInline​(String macroName,
                           WikiParameters params,
                           String content)
        This method is used to notify about a new in-line macro which CAN generate only in-line elements as a result of its interpretation. This method CAN NOT generate block elements.
        macroName - the name of the macro
        params - parameters of the macro
        content - the content of the macro