Package org.xwiki.rendering.wikimodel.util
Interface Summary Interface Description IListListener ISectionListener<T> ISectionListener.IPos<T> ITocListener This listener is used to notify about different structural elements of the table of content.TreeBuilder.IPos<X extends TreeBuilder.IPos<X>> This interface identifies position of elements in rows.TreeBuilder.ITreeListener<X extends TreeBuilder.IPos<X>> -
Class Summary Class Description HtmlEntityUtil This class provides utility methods to access HTML entities with their respective descriptions and numerical codes.ListBuilder This is an internal utility class used as a context to keep in memory the current state of parsed trees (list items).SectionBuilder<T> SectionListener<T> TocBuilder This is an utility class which is used to build tables of content (TOCs).TreeBuilder<X extends TreeBuilder.IPos<X>> This is an internal utility class used as a context to keep in memory the current state of parsed trees (list items).WikiEntityUtil