Class BoxMacroParameters

  • public class BoxMacroParameters
    extends Object
    Parameters for the Box macro.
    $Id: 84eeda015c0a4fcece48f5f99a54c1042e527102 $
    • Constructor Detail

      • BoxMacroParameters

        public BoxMacroParameters()
    • Method Detail

      • getBlockTitle

        public List<? extends Block> getBlockTitle()
        Optionally, the title can contain a list of Blocks, for more flexibility, instead of storing only ordinary text.
        the title represented as a list of Blocks
      • setBlockTitle

        public void setBlockTitle​(List<? extends Block> blockTitle)
        blockTitle - - refer to getBlockTitle()
      • getTitle

        public String getTitle()
        the title to be displayed in the message box. Note that it can contain content in the current syntax and that text which will be parsed and rendered as any syntax content
      • setTitle

        public void setTitle​(String title)
        title - refer to getTitle()
      • getImage

        public ResourceReference getImage()
        the reference to the image to display in the message box.
      • getCssClass

        public String getCssClass()
        an optional class parameter value to use when rendering the Box. The XHTML renderer for example uses it on the surrounding SPAN (in case the box is used inline) or on the surrounding DIV (in case the box is used standalone). This allows the user to provide CSS to style the box according to his needs. Example: cssClass="mybox". If not specified, the BoxMacro.getClassProperty() is used to provide a default one.
      • setCssClass

        public void setCssClass​(String cssClass)
        cssClass - refer to getCssClass()
      • getWidth

        public String getWidth()
        an optional width to enforce as an inline style on the DIV element the box will be formed of.
      • setWidth

        public void setWidth​(String width)
        width - refer to getWidth()