Class IdGenerator

  • public class IdGenerator
    extends Object
    Stateful generator of id attributes. It's stateful since it remembers the generated ids. Thus a new instance of it should be used for each document.
    $Id: e646bbe2120dffa44b087cb8ba6848314c9a175d $
    • Constructor Detail

      • IdGenerator

        public IdGenerator()
        Create an empty id generator.
      • IdGenerator

        public IdGenerator​(IdGenerator idGenerator)
        Clone an id generator.
        idGenerator - the id generator to copy
        10.5RC1, 9.11.6
    • Method Detail

      • generateUniqueId

        public String generateUniqueId​(String text)
        Same as generateUniqueId(String, String) but with a fixed prefix of "I".
        text - the text used to generate the unique id
        the unique id. For example "Hello world" will generate "IHelloworld".
      • generateUniqueId

        public String generateUniqueId​(String prefix,
                                       String text)
        Generate a unique id attribute using the passed text as the seed value. The generated id complies with the XHTML specification. Extract from XHTML RFC:

        When defining fragment identifiers to be backward-compatible, only strings matching the pattern [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9:_.-]* should be used.

        This method is thread-safe since 14.2RC1 and 13.10.4.

        prefix - the prefix of the identifier. Has to match [a-zA-Z].
        text - the text used to generate the unique id
        the unique id. For example "Hello world" will generate prefix + "Helloworld".
      • remove

        public void remove​(String id)
        Remove the saved previously generated id to make it available again.
        id - the id to remove from the generated ids.
      • reset

        public void reset()
        Reset the known generated ids.