Class QueueListener

    • Constructor Detail

      • QueueListener

        public QueueListener()
    • Method Detail

      • getEvent

        public QueueListener.Event getEvent​(int depth)
        Returns the event at the specified position in this queue.
        depth - index of event to return.
        the evnet at the specified position in this queue.
      • consumeEvents

        public void consumeEvents​(Listener listener)
        Send all stored events to provided Listener.
        listener - the Listener on which to send events
      • beginDefinitionDescription

        public void beginDefinitionDescription()
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Start of a definition list description. For example in HTML this is the equivalent of <dd>.
        Specified by:
        beginDefinitionDescription in interface Listener
      • beginDefinitionList

        public void beginDefinitionList​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Start of a definition list. For example in HTML this is the equivalent of <dl>.
        Specified by:
        beginDefinitionList in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters for the list. Example: "style"/"background-color: blue"
      • beginDefinitionTerm

        public void beginDefinitionTerm()
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Start of a definition list term. For example in HTML this is the equivalent of <dt>.
        Specified by:
        beginDefinitionTerm in interface Listener
      • beginDocument

        public void beginDocument​(MetaData metadata)
        Start of the document.
        Specified by:
        beginDocument in interface Listener
        metadata - the meta data to associate to the following events, see MetaData
      • beginGroup

        public void beginGroup​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Start a group of elements. Groups are used to allow using standalone elements in list items, table cells, etc. They can also be used to set parameters on a group of standalone elements.
        Specified by:
        beginGroup in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters. Example: style="background-color: blue"
      • beginFormat

        public void beginFormat​(Format format,
                                Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        End of a text formatting block.
        Specified by:
        beginFormat in interface Listener
        format - the formatting type (bold, italic, etc)
        parameters - a generic list of parameters. Example: style="background-color: blue"
        See Also:
      • beginHeader

        public void beginHeader​(HeaderLevel level,
                                String id,
                                Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Start of a header.
        Specified by:
        beginHeader in interface Listener
        level - the header level (1, 2, 3, etc)
        id - the header unique identifier
        parameters - a generic list of parameters. Example: style="background-color: blue"
        See Also:
      • beginLink

        public void beginLink​(ResourceReference reference,
                              boolean freestanding,
                              Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Start of a link.
        Specified by:
        beginLink in interface LinkListener
        reference - the link reference
        freestanding - if true then the link is a free standing URI directly in the text
        parameters - a generic list of parameters. Example: style="background-color: blue"
        See Also:
      • beginList

        public void beginList​(ListType type,
                              Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Start of a list.
        Specified by:
        beginList in interface Listener
        type - the type of list (bulleted, numbered, etc)
        parameters - a generic list of parameters for the list. Example: "style"/"background-color: blue"
        See Also:
      • beginListItem

        public void beginListItem()
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Start of a list item.
        Specified by:
        beginListItem in interface Listener
      • beginListItem

        public void beginListItem​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Start of a list item.
        Specified by:
        beginListItem in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters for the list item. Example: "style"/"background-color: blue"
      • beginMacroMarker

        public void beginMacroMarker​(String name,
                                     Map<String,​String> parameters,
                                     String content,
                                     boolean isInline)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Start of marker containing a macro definition. This is a special that Macro Blocks emits when they are executed so that it's possible to reconstruct the initial macro syntax even after Macros have been executed. This is used for exemple by the WYSIWYG editor to let use see the result of executing a macro and still let them modify the macro definition.
        Specified by:
        beginMacroMarker in interface Listener
        name - the macro name
        parameters - the macro parameters
        content - the macro content
        isInline - if true the macro is located in a inline content (like paragraph, etc.)
        See Also:
        Listener.onMacro(String, java.util.Map, String, boolean)
      • beginParagraph

        public void beginParagraph​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Start of a paragraph.
        Specified by:
        beginParagraph in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters. Example: style="background-color: blue"
      • beginQuotation

        public void beginQuotation​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Start of a quotation. There are one or several quotation lines inside a quotation block.
        Specified by:
        beginQuotation in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters for the quotation. Example: "style"/"background-color: blue"
      • beginQuotationLine

        public void beginQuotationLine()
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Start of a quotation line. There can be several quotation lines in a quotation block.
        Specified by:
        beginQuotationLine in interface Listener
      • beginSection

        public void beginSection​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Start of a section.
        Specified by:
        beginSection in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters. Example: style="background-color: blue"
        See Also:
      • beginTable

        public void beginTable​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Start of a table.
        Specified by:
        beginTable in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters for the table.
      • beginTableCell

        public void beginTableCell​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Start of a table cell.
        Specified by:
        beginTableCell in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters for the table cell.
      • beginTableHeadCell

        public void beginTableHeadCell​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Start of a table head cell.
        Specified by:
        beginTableHeadCell in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters for the table head cell.
      • beginTableRow

        public void beginTableRow​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Start of a table row.
        Specified by:
        beginTableRow in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters for the table row.
      • beginMetaData

        public void beginMetaData​(MetaData metadata)
        Start of MetaData (eg saving source from where the content is coming from).
        Specified by:
        beginMetaData in interface Listener
        metadata - the metadata
      • endDefinitionDescription

        public void endDefinitionDescription()
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        End of a definition list description. For example in HTML this is the equivalent of </dd>.
        Specified by:
        endDefinitionDescription in interface Listener
      • endDefinitionList

        public void endDefinitionList​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        End of a definition list. For example in HTML this is the equivalent of </dl>.
        Specified by:
        endDefinitionList in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters for the list. Example: "style"/"background-color: blue"
      • endDefinitionTerm

        public void endDefinitionTerm()
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        End of a definition list term. For example in HTML this is the equivalent of </dt>.
        Specified by:
        endDefinitionTerm in interface Listener
      • endDocument

        public void endDocument​(MetaData metadata)
        End of the document.
        Specified by:
        endDocument in interface Listener
        metadata - the meta data associated with the previous events, see MetaData
      • endGroup

        public void endGroup​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        End of the group.
        Specified by:
        endGroup in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters. Example: style="background-color: blue"
      • endFormat

        public void endFormat​(Format format,
                              Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        End of a text formatting block.
        Specified by:
        endFormat in interface Listener
        format - the formatting type (bold, italic, etc)
        parameters - a generic list of parameters. Example: style="background-color: blue"
        See Also:
      • endHeader

        public void endHeader​(HeaderLevel level,
                              String id,
                              Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        End of a header.
        Specified by:
        endHeader in interface Listener
        level - the header level (1, 2, 3, etc)
        id - the header unique identifier
        parameters - a generic list of parameters. Example: style="background-color: blue"
        See Also:
      • endLink

        public void endLink​(ResourceReference reference,
                            boolean freestanding,
                            Map<String,​String> parameters)
        End of a link.
        Specified by:
        endLink in interface LinkListener
        reference - the link reference
        freestanding - if true then the link is a free standing URI directly in the text
        parameters - a generic list of parameters. Example: style="background-color: blue"
        See Also:
      • endList

        public void endList​(ListType type,
                            Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        End of a list.
        Specified by:
        endList in interface Listener
        type - the type of list (bulleted, numbered, etc)
        parameters - a generic list of parameters for the list. Example: "style"/"background-color: blue"
        See Also:
      • endListItem

        public void endListItem()
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        End of a list item.
        Specified by:
        endListItem in interface Listener
      • endListItem

        public void endListItem​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        End of a list item.
        Specified by:
        endListItem in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters for the list item. Example: "style"/"background-color: blue"
      • endParagraph

        public void endParagraph​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        End of a paragraph.
        Specified by:
        endParagraph in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters. Example: style="background-color: blue"
      • endQuotation

        public void endQuotation​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        End of a quotation.
        Specified by:
        endQuotation in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters for the quotation. Example: "style"/"background-color: blue"
      • endQuotationLine

        public void endQuotationLine()
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        End of a quotation line.
        Specified by:
        endQuotationLine in interface Listener
      • beginFigure

        public void beginFigure​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Start of a figure.
        Specified by:
        beginFigure in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters for the figure
      • endFigure

        public void endFigure​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        End of a figure.
        Specified by:
        endFigure in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters for the figure
      • beginFigureCaption

        public void beginFigureCaption​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Start of a figure caption.
        Specified by:
        beginFigureCaption in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters for the figure
      • endFigureCaption

        public void endFigureCaption​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        End of a figure caption.
        Specified by:
        endFigureCaption in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters for the figure
      • endSection

        public void endSection​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        End of a section.
        Specified by:
        endSection in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters. Example: style="background-color: blue"
        See Also:
      • endTable

        public void endTable​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        End of a table.
        Specified by:
        endTable in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters for the table.
      • endTableCell

        public void endTableCell​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        End of a table cell.
        Specified by:
        endTableCell in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters for the table cell.
      • endTableHeadCell

        public void endTableHeadCell​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        End of a table head cell.
        Specified by:
        endTableHeadCell in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters for the table head cell.
      • endTableRow

        public void endTableRow​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        End of a table row.
        Specified by:
        endTableRow in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters for the table row.
      • endMetaData

        public void endMetaData​(MetaData metadata)
        End of MetaData.
        Specified by:
        endMetaData in interface Listener
        metadata - the metadata
      • onRawText

        public void onRawText​(String text,
                              Syntax syntax)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Some text to inject directly into the listener output without parsing it. For example a HTML macro could inject directly some HTML entered by the user into the rendered HTML output. Note that it's not recommended to use this event in most cases since it can lead to invalid content being generated and in addition most listener implementations will not understand the injected text and will just ignore it.
        Specified by:
        onRawText in interface Listener
        text - the text to inject
        syntax - the syntax in which the text is written. This is useful so that listener implementations can decide whether they can handle direct inject for that syntax
      • onEmptyLines

        public void onEmptyLines​(int count)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Represents an empty line between 2 standalone Blocks. A standalone block is block that is not included in another block. Standalone blocks are Paragraph, Standalone Macro, Lists, Table, etc.
        Specified by:
        onEmptyLines in interface Listener
        count - the number of empty lines between 2 standalone Blocks
      • onHorizontalLine

        public void onHorizontalLine​(Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Represents an horizontal line.
        Specified by:
        onHorizontalLine in interface Listener
        parameters - a generic list of parameters. Example: style="background-color: blue"
      • onId

        public void onId​(String name)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        A reference/location in a page. In HTML for example this is called an Anchor. It allows pointing to that location, for example in links. Note that there is no wiki syntax for this in general and it's often generated by Macros (such as the TOC Macro).
        Specified by:
        onId in interface Listener
        name - the location name.
      • onImage

        public void onImage​(ResourceReference reference,
                            boolean freestanding,
                            Map<String,​String> parameters)
        An image.
        Specified by:
        onImage in interface ImageListener
        reference - the image reference
        freestanding - if true then the image is defined directly as a URI in the text
        parameters - a generic list of parameters. Example: style="background-color: blue"
      • onImage

        public void onImage​(ResourceReference reference,
                            boolean freestanding,
                            String id,
                            Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: ImageListener
        An image.
        Specified by:
        onImage in interface ImageListener
        reference - the image reference
        freestanding - if true then the image is defined directly as a URI in the text
        id - the (generated) id of the image
        parameters - a generic list of parameters. Example: style="background-color: blue"
      • onMacro

        public void onMacro​(String id,
                            Map<String,​String> parameters,
                            String content,
                            boolean inline)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        A Macro.
        Specified by:
        onMacro in interface Listener
        id - the macro id (eg "toc" for the TOC macro)
        parameters - the macro parameters
        content - the macro content
        inline - if true the macro is located in a inline content (like paragraph, etc.)
      • onNewLine

        public void onNewLine()
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        A new line or line break (it's up to the renderers to decide if it should be outputted as a new line or as a line break in the given syntax).
        Specified by:
        onNewLine in interface Listener
      • onSpace

        public void onSpace()
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        A space.
        Specified by:
        onSpace in interface Listener
      • onSpecialSymbol

        public void onSpecialSymbol​(char symbol)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        A special symbol (*, <, >, =, quote, etc). Any non alpha numeric character is a special symbol.
        Specified by:
        onSpecialSymbol in interface Listener
        symbol - the symbol encountered
      • onVerbatim

        public void onVerbatim​(String content,
                               boolean inline,
                               Map<String,​String> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        A portion of text.
        Specified by:
        onVerbatim in interface Listener
        content - the string to protected from rendering
        inline - if true the text content is located in a inline content (like paragraph, etc.)
        parameters - a generic list of parameters. Example: style="background-color: blue"
      • onWord

        public void onWord​(String word)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        A word. Note that sentences ar broken into different events: word events, special symbols events, space events, etc. This allows fine-grained actions for listeners.
        Specified by:
        onWord in interface Listener
        word - the word encountered