Class MacroMarkerBlock

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Cloneable, Block

    public class MacroMarkerBlock
    extends AbstractMacroBlock
    A special block that Macro Blocks generate when they are executed so that it's possible to reconstruct the initial syntax even after Macros have been executed. For example this is important in a WYSWIYG editor where you want to show the Macro's rendered result and also let users modify the macro content.
    $Id: a236c03b4f7104b0ae260745edca7ded2f5523d9 $
    • Constructor Detail

      • MacroMarkerBlock

        public MacroMarkerBlock​(String id,
                                Map<String,​String> parameters,
                                List<Block> childBlocks,
                                boolean isInline)
        id - the name of the macro
        parameters - the parameters of the macro
        childBlocks - the list of children blocks generated by the macro
        isInline - indicate if the macro is located in a inline content (like paragraph, etc.)
      • MacroMarkerBlock

        public MacroMarkerBlock​(String id,
                                Map<String,​String> parameters,
                                String content,
                                List<Block> childBlocks,
                                boolean inline)
        id - the name of the macro
        parameters - the parameters of the macro
        content - the content of the macro. Null if the macro does not have content
        childBlocks - the list of children blocks generated by the macro
        inline - indicate if the macro is located in a inline content (like paragraph, etc.)
    • Method Detail

      • before

        public void before​(Listener listener)
        Description copied from class: AbstractBlock
        Send Listener events corresponding to the start of the block. For example for a Bold block, this allows an XHTML Listener (aka a Renderer) to output <b>.
        before in class AbstractBlock
        listener - the listener that will receive the events sent by this block before its children blocks have emitted their own events.
      • after

        public void after​(Listener listener)
        Description copied from class: AbstractBlock
        Send Listener events corresponding to the end of the block. For example for a Bold block, this allows an XHTML Listener (aka a Renderer) to output </b>.
        after in class AbstractBlock
        listener - the listener that will receive the events sent by this block before its children blocks have emitted their own events.