Class ChangePasswordPage

  • public class ChangePasswordPage
    extends BasePage
    User profile, change password action.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ChangePasswordPage

        public ChangePasswordPage()
    • Method Detail

      • changePassword

        public void changePassword​(String originalPassword,
                                   String password,
                                   String password2)
        Fill the change password form with the original password, the new password and the confirmation of the new password.
        originalPassword - the original password
        password - the new password
        password2 - the confirmation of the new password
        See Also:
        changePasswordAsAdmin(String, String)
      • changePasswordAsAdmin

        public void changePasswordAsAdmin​(String password,
                                          String password2)
        Fill the change password form when the current user is an Admin.
        password - the new password
        password2 - the confirmation of the new password
        See Also:
        changePassword(String, String, String)
      • getErrorMessage

        public String getErrorMessage()
        the text of the change password form error message
      • getValidationErrorMessage

        public String getValidationErrorMessage()
        the text of the change password form validation error message
      • getSuccessMessage

        public String getSuccessMessage()
        the text of the change password form success message
      • cancel

        public void cancel()
        Click on the cancel button of the change password form.
      • assertValidationErrorMessage

        public void assertValidationErrorMessage​(String expectedText)
        Wait until the validation error message has the expected text. TimeoutException is thrown if the expected text is not displayed withing a given time limit.
        expectedText - the expected text of the validation error message
        14.4RC1, 13.10.6
      • assertSuccessMessage

        public void assertSuccessMessage​(String expectedText)
        Wait until the success message has the expected text. TimeoutException is thrown if the expected text is not displayed withing a given time limit.
        expectedText - the expected text of the success message
        14.4RC1, 13.10.6
      • assertErrorMessage

        public void assertErrorMessage​(String expectedText)
        Wait until the error message has the expected text. TimeoutException is thrown if the expected text is not displayed withing a given time limit.
        expectedText - the expected text of the error message
        14.4RC1, 13.10.6