Class SortableElement

  • public class SortableElement
    extends BaseElement
    Represents a sortable element that is using, e.g., the "sortable" plugin of "jquery-ui".
    15.6RC1, 15.5.1, 14.10.15
    $Id: 8ceb8c610d67a3ab9bef119408d4ed295aee2fe8 $
    • Constructor Detail

      • SortableElement

        public SortableElement​(org.openqa.selenium.WebElement container)
        Creates a new instance.
        container - the element that wraps the sortable elements
    • Method Detail

      • moveBefore

        public void moveBefore​(org.openqa.selenium.By toMove,
                               org.openqa.selenium.By before)
        Move a given element before another one.
        toMove - the selector for the element to move inside the sortable
        before - the selector for the element before which the element to move should be moved