Class AbstractSkinExtensionPlugin

    • Field Detail


        public static final String DEFER_DEFAULT_PARAM
        The name of the preference (in the configuration file) specifying what is the default value of the defer, in case nothing is specified in the parameters of this extension.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        protected static final String QUERY_PARAMETER_DELIMITER
        The URL delimiter part of query parameters.
        11.6RC1, 11.3.2
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • contextKey

        protected final String contextKey
        The name of the context key for the list of pulled extensions.
      • parametersContextKey

        protected final String parametersContextKey
        The name of the context key for the additional parameters for pulled extensions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractSkinExtensionPlugin

        public AbstractSkinExtensionPlugin​(String name,
                                           String className,
                                           XWikiContext context)
        XWiki plugin constructor.
        name - The name of the plugin, which can be used for retrieving the plugin API from velocity. Unused.
        className - The canonical classname of the plugin. Unused.
        context - The current request context.
        See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getLink

        public abstract String getLink​(String resource,
                                       XWikiContext context)
        Abstract method for obtaining a link that points to the actual pulled resource. Each type of resource has its own format for the link, for example Javascript uses <script src="/path/to/Document">, while CSS uses <link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/Document"> (the actual syntax is longer, this is just a simplified example).
        resource - the name of the wiki document holding the resource.
        context - the current request context, needed to access the URLFactory.
        A String representation of the linking element that should be printed in the generated HTML.
      • getLink

        public String getLink​(String resource,
                              Map<String,​Object> parameters,
                              XWikiContext context)
        Abstract method for obtaining a link that points to the actual pulled resource. Each type of resource has its own format for the link, for example Javascript uses <script src="/path/to/Document">, while CSS uses <link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/Document"> (the actual syntax is longer, this is just a simplified example).
        resource - the name of the wiki document holding the resource.
        parameters - the parameters associated with the resource.
        context - the current request context, needed to access the URLFactory.
        A String representation of the linking element that should be printed in the generated HTML.
        10.11.9, 11.3.2, 11.6RC1
      • getAlwaysUsedExtensions

        public abstract Set<String> getAlwaysUsedExtensions​(XWikiContext context)
        Returns the list of always used extensions of this type. Which resources are always used depends on the type of resource, for example document based StyleSheet extensions have a property in the object, use, which can have the value always to declare that an extension should always be used.
        context - The current request context.
        A set of resource names that should be pulled in the current response. Note that this method is called for each request, as the list might change in time, and it can be different for each wiki in a farm.
      • hasPageExtensions

        public abstract boolean hasPageExtensions​(XWikiContext context)
        Determines if the requested document contains on page skin extension objects of this type. True if at least one of the extension objects has the currentPage value for the use property.
        context - the current request context
        a boolean specifying if the current document contains on page skin extensions
      • use

        public void use​(String resource,
                        XWikiContext context)
        Mark a resource as used in the current result. A resource is registered only once per request, further calls will not result in additional links, even if it is pulled with different parameters.
        resource - The name of the resource to pull.
        context - The current request context.
        See Also:
        use(String, Map, XWikiContext)
      • use

        public void use​(String resource,
                        Map<String,​Object> parameters,
                        XWikiContext context)
        Mark a skin extension document as used in the current result, together with some parameters. How the parameters are used, depends on the type of resource being pulled. For example, JS and CSS extensions use the parameters in the resulting URL, while Link extensions use the parameters as attributes of the link tag. A resource is registered only once per request, further calls will not result in additional links, even if it is pulled with different parameters. If more than one calls per request are made, the parameters used are the ones from the last call (or none, if the last call did not specify any parameters).
        resource - The name of the resource to pull.
        parameters - The parameters for this resource.
        context - The current request context.
        See Also:
        use(String, XWikiContext)
      • getPulledResources

        protected Set<String> getPulledResources​(XWikiContext context)
        Get the list of pulled resources (of the plugin's type) for the current request. The returned list is always valid.
        context - The current request context.
        A set of names that holds the resources pulled in the current request.
      • getParametersMap

        protected Map<String,​Map<String,​Object>> getParametersMap​(XWikiContext context)
        Get the map of additional parameters for each pulled resource (of the plugin's type) for the current request. The returned map is always valid.
        context - The current request context.
        A map of resource parameters, where the key is the resource's name, and the value is a map holding the actual parameters for a given resource. If a resource was pulled without additional parameters, then no corresponding entry is added in this map.
      • initializeRequestListIfNeeded

        protected void initializeRequestListIfNeeded​(XWikiContext context)
        Initializes the list of pulled extensions corresponding to this request, if it wasn't already initialized. This method is not thread safe, since a context should not be shared among threads.
        context - The current context where this list is stored.
      • getImportString

        public String getImportString​(XWikiContext context)
        Composes and returns the links to the resources pulled in the current request. This method is called at the end of each request, once for each type of resource (subclass), and the result is placed in the generated XHTML.
        context - The current request context.
        a XHMTL fragment with all extensions imports statements for this request. This includes both extensions that are defined as being "used always" and "on demand" extensions explicitly requested for this page. Always used extensions are always, before on demand extensions, so that on demand extensions can override more general elements in the always used ones.
      • getParametersForResource

        protected Map<String,​Object> getParametersForResource​(String resource,
                                                                    XWikiContext context)
        Get the parameters for a pulled resource. Note that a valid map is always returned, even if no parameters were given when the resource was pulled.
        resource - The resource for which to retrieve the parameters.
        context - The current request context.
        The parameters for the resource, as a map where the keys are the parameter names, and the values are corresponding parameter value. If no parameters were given, an empty map is returned.
      • getParameter

        protected Object getParameter​(String parameterName,
                                      String resource,
                                      XWikiContext context)
        Get a parameter value for a pulled resource.
        parameterName - the name of the parameter to retrieve
        resource - the resource for which to retrieve the parameter
        context - the current request context
        The parameter value for the resource. If this parameter was not given, null is returned.
      • parametersAsQueryString

        protected String parametersAsQueryString​(String resource,
                                                 XWikiContext context)
        This method converts the parameters for an extension to a query string that can be used with getURL() and printed in the XHTML result. The parameters separator is the escaped &. The query string already starts with an & if at least one parameter exists.
        resource - The pulled resource whose parameters should be converted.
        context - The current request context.
        The constructed query string, or an empty string if there are no parameters.
      • sanitize

        protected String sanitize​(String value)
        Prevent "HTML Injection" by making sure the rendered text does not escape the current element. This is achieved by URL-encoding the following characters: '"<>
        value - The string to sanitize.
        The unchanged string, if it does not contain special characters, or the empty string.
      • getCacheResources

        public com.xpn.xwiki.internal.cache.rendering.CachedItem.UsedExtension getCacheResources​(XWikiContext context)
        Specified by:
        getCacheResources in interface com.xpn.xwiki.internal.cache.rendering.RenderingCacheAware
      • restoreCacheResources

        public void restoreCacheResources​(XWikiContext context,
                                          com.xpn.xwiki.internal.cache.rendering.CachedItem.UsedExtension extension)
        Specified by:
        restoreCacheResources in interface com.xpn.xwiki.internal.cache.rendering.RenderingCacheAware
      • getDefaultEntityReferenceSerializer

        protected org.xwiki.model.reference.EntityReferenceSerializer<String> getDefaultEntityReferenceSerializer()
        Used to convert a proper Document Reference to string (standard form).
      • getCurrentDocumentReferenceResolver

        protected org.xwiki.model.reference.DocumentReferenceResolver<String> getCurrentDocumentReferenceResolver()
        Used to resolve a document string reference to a Document Reference.
      • getSkinExtensionAsync

        protected org.xwiki.skinx.internal.async.SkinExtensionAsync getSkinExtensionAsync()