Interface SecurityCacheRulesInvalidator

  • @Role
    public interface SecurityCacheRulesInvalidator
    This component instances define how to suspend / resume the cache for invalidating rules. Note that this needs to be done to avoid problems for example: you could have an execution order where
    1. a new security cache access entry is constructed by some cache loader then in another thread
    2. the document is updated
    3. the cache is invalidated and then the original thread resumes and
    4. the security cache access entry still based on old information is inserted back into the cache.
    $Id: 539ea387c11d1ffec753e0d4841b104f23864343 $
    • Method Detail

      • suspend

        void suspend()
        Suspend delivery of invalidation events.
      • resume

        void resume()
        Resume delivery of invalidation events.