Class GroovyJob

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class GroovyJob
    extends AbstractJob
    The task that will get executed by the Scheduler when the Job is triggered. This task in turn calls a Groovy script to perform the execution.

    Important:: Note that the script will execute in the XWiki Context that was set at the time the Job was scheduled for execution. For example calling context.getDoc() will return the current document that was set at that time and not the current document that is set when the Groovy script executes...

    $Id: e915379dbf1786180270511538d54d57f5d372b0 $
    • Constructor Detail

      • GroovyJob

        public GroovyJob()
    • Method Detail

      • executeJob

        protected void executeJob​(org.quartz.JobExecutionContext jobContext)
                           throws org.quartz.JobExecutionException
        Executes the Groovy script passed in the script property of the SchedulerPlugin.XWIKI_JOB_CLASS object extracted from the XWiki context passed in the Quartz's Job execution context. The XWiki Task object is looked for in the current document that was set in the context at the time the Job was scheduled.
        Specified by:
        executeJob in class AbstractJob
        jobContext - the Quartz execution context containing the XWiki context from which the script to execute is retrieved
        org.quartz.JobExecutionException - if the script fails to execute or if the user didn't have programming rights when the Job was scheduled
        See Also: