Interface AttachmentRecycleBinStore

    • Method Detail

      • saveToRecycleBin

        void saveToRecycleBin​(XWikiAttachment attachment,
                              String deleter,
                              Date date,
                              XWikiContext context,
                              boolean bTransaction)
                       throws XWikiException
        Save attachment to recycle bin, with full history.
        attachment - The attachment to save.
        deleter - The user which deleted the attachment.
        date - Date of delete action.
        context - The current context.
        bTransaction - Should use old transaction (false) or create new (true).
        XWikiException - If an exception occurs during the attachment export or attachment persistence.
      • restoreFromRecycleBin

        XWikiAttachment restoreFromRecycleBin​(XWikiAttachment attachment,
                                              long index,
                                              XWikiContext context,
                                              boolean bTransaction)
                                       throws XWikiException
        Restore an attachment from the recycle bin (with full history).
        attachment - Optional attachment to restore. If a non-null value is passed, then this object will be changed to reflect the contents/history of the deleted attachment.
        index - What deleted attachment to restore. See DeletedAttachment.getId().
        context - The current context.
        bTransaction - Should use old transaction (false) or create new (true).
        Restored attachment, or null if an entry with the requested ID does not exist.
        XWikiException - If an error occurs while loading or restoring the attachment.
        See Also:
        getDeletedAttachment(long, XWikiContext, boolean)
      • getAllDeletedAttachments

        List<DeletedAttachment> getAllDeletedAttachments​(XWikiAttachment attachment,
                                                         XWikiContext context,
                                                         boolean bTransaction)
                                                  throws XWikiException
        Get all the deleted attachments from the database matching an attachment template (document name and filename). The results are ordered by the deletion date, descending (most recently deleted first).
        attachment - Optional attachment template. If null, return information about all deleted attachments from the database. Otherwise, filter by the document and filename provided in the passed attachment.
        context - The current context.
        bTransaction - Should use old transaction (false) or create new (true).
        Infos about all matching deleted attachments, sorted by date.
        XWikiException - If an error occurs while loading or restoring the attachments.
      • getAllDeletedAttachments

        List<DeletedAttachment> getAllDeletedAttachments​(XWikiDocument doc,
                                                         XWikiContext context,
                                                         boolean bTransaction)
                                                  throws XWikiException
        Get all the deleted attachments for a given document.
        doc - The document for which to retrieve deleted attachments.
        context - The current context.
        bTransaction - Should use old transaction (false) or create new (true).
        Infos about all deleted attachments of specific document, sorted by date.
        XWikiException - If an error occurs while loading or restoring the attachments.
      • deleteFromRecycleBin

        void deleteFromRecycleBin​(long index,
                                  XWikiContext context,
                                  boolean bTransaction)
                           throws XWikiException
        Permanently delete attachment from recycle bin.
        index - Which instance to delete from the recycle bin.
        context - The current context.
        bTransaction - Should use old transaction (false) or create new (true).
        XWikiException - If an error occurs while executing the query.