Class NotificationParameters

  • public class NotificationParameters
    extends Object
    Parameters to fill to retrieve notifications using ParametrizedNotificationManager.
    $Id: 8732274f98309126fed299d50a1341ba9c0f10e3 $
    • Field Detail

      • user

        public org.xwiki.model.reference.DocumentReference user
        The user for who we should get the notifications.
      • format

        public org.xwiki.notifications.NotificationFormat format
        The format of the notifications to get.
      • expectedCount

        public int expectedCount
        The maximum number of notifications to return.
      • endDate

        public Date endDate
        Don't get notifications that have been triggered after the following date.
      • endDateIncluded

        public boolean endDateIncluded
        True if the end date should be included.
        12.6.1, 12.7RC1
      • fromDate

        public Date fromDate
        Don't get notification that have been triggered before the following date.
      • onlyUnread

        public Boolean onlyUnread
        Display only unread notifications.
      • blackList

        public Collection<String> blackList
        List of event IDs not to return.
    • Constructor Detail

      • NotificationParameters

        public NotificationParameters()