Interface MessageStream

  • @Role
    public interface MessageStream
    The message stream allows to post and retrieve short messages, from one user to one of a few possible targets: direct private messages to another user, messages to a group of users, personal messages to all the users that "follow" the sender.
    $Id: 37cb09c318e066e2bf59309881f7fc3bce51eeb9 $
    • Method Detail

      • postPublicMessage

        void postPublicMessage​(String message)
        Post a message to the current user's stream, visible to everyone.
        message - the message to store
      • postPersonalMessage

        void postPersonalMessage​(String message)
        Post a message to the current user's personal stream, displayed on his profile page and aggregated into their follower's streams.
        message - the message to store
      • getRecentPersonalMessages

        List<Event> getRecentPersonalMessages()
        Get the 30 most recent messages posted by the current user.
        a list of recent personal messages
      • getRecentPersonalMessages

        List<Event> getRecentPersonalMessages​(int limit,
                                              int offset)
        Get the most recent messages posted by the current user, at most limit, and skipping the first offset.
        limit - the maximum number of messages to return
        offset - how many messages to skip
        a list of recent personal messages, possibly empty
      • getRecentPersonalMessages

        List<Event> getRecentPersonalMessages​(DocumentReference author)
        Get the 30 most recent personal messages posted by the specified user.
        author - the user that wrote the messages
        a list of recent personal messages, possibly empty
      • getRecentPersonalMessages

        List<Event> getRecentPersonalMessages​(DocumentReference author,
                                              int limit,
                                              int offset)
        Get the most recent direct messages sent to the current user, at most limit, and skipping the first offset.
        author - the user that wrote the messages
        limit - the maximum number of messages to return
        offset - how many messages to skip
        a list of recent personal messages, possibly empty
      • postDirectMessageToUser

        void postDirectMessageToUser​(String message,
                                     DocumentReference user)
        Post a private message to another user.
        message - the message to send
        user - the target user
      • getRecentDirectMessages

        List<Event> getRecentDirectMessages()
        Get the 30 most recent direct messages sent to the current user.
        a list of recent direct messages received
      • getRecentDirectMessages

        List<Event> getRecentDirectMessages​(int limit,
                                            int offset)
        Get the most recent direct messages sent to the current user, at most limit, and skipping the first offset.
        limit - the maximum number of messages to return
        offset - how many messages to skip
        a list of recent direct messages received
      • postMessageToGroup

        void postMessageToGroup​(String message,
                                DocumentReference group)
        Post a message to a specific group of users.
        message - the message to send
        group - the target group
      • getRecentMessagesForGroup

        List<Event> getRecentMessagesForGroup​(DocumentReference group)
        Get the 30 most recent messages sent to the specified group.
        group - the target group for which to retrieve messages
        a list of recent messages sent to the target group
      • getRecentMessagesForGroup

        List<Event> getRecentMessagesForGroup​(DocumentReference group,
                                              int limit,
                                              int offset)
        Get the most recent messages sent to the specified group, at most limit, and skipping the first offset.
        group - the target group for which to retrieve messages
        limit - the maximum number of messages to return
        offset - how many messages to skip
        a list of recent messages sent to the target group
      • deleteMessage

        void deleteMessage​(String id)
        Delete an existing message, identified by its unique ID, if the current user is the author of that message.
        id - the unique ID of the message