Interface MailResender

  • @Role
    public interface MailResender
    Resends mails.
    $Id: e7b8f8c345ccf1b0c580d9b231769f3edd721527 $
    • Method Detail

      • resendAsynchronously

        List<org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<MailStatus,​MailStatusResult>> resendAsynchronously​(Map<String,​Object> filterMap,
                                                                                                          int offset,
                                                                                                          int count)
                                                                                                   throws MailStoreException
        Resends all mails matching the passed filter map, asynchronously.
        filterMap - the map of Mail Status parameters to match (e.g. "state", "wiki", "batchId", etc)
        offset - the number of rows to skip (0 means don't skip any row)
        count - the number of rows to return. If 0 then all rows are returned
        the mail statuses and results for the resent mails
        MailStoreException - if a mail status failed to be loaded. Note that no exception is raised if a mail message failed to be loaded from the store, in which case no entry will be returned in the returned list
      • resend

        default List<org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<MailStatus,​MailStatusResult>> resend​(Map<String,​Object> filterMap,
                                                                                                    int offset,
                                                                                                    int count)
                                                                                             throws MailStoreException
        Resends all mails matching the passed filter map, synchronously (one mail after another).
        filterMap - the map of Mail Status parameters to match (e.g. "state", "wiki", "batchId", etc)
        offset - the number of rows to skip (0 means don't skip any row)
        count - the number of rows to return. If 0 then all rows are returned
        the mail statuses and results for the resent mails
        MailStoreException - if a mail status failed to be loaded. Note that no exception is raised if a mail message failed to be loaded from the store, in which case no entry will be returned in the returned list
      • resendAsynchronously

        MailStatusResult resendAsynchronously​(String batchId,
                                              String uniqueMessageId)
                                       throws MailStoreException
        Resends the mail message matching the passed batch id and message id, asynchronously.
        batchId - the id of the batch to which the message to resend belongs to
        uniqueMessageId - the unique id of the message to resend
        the status of the mail resend
        MailStoreException - if the corresponding mail message to be resent couldn't be retrieved from the store