Class LiveDataQuery.Constraint

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class LiveDataQuery.Constraint
    extends Object
    A constraint to apply to a property value.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Constraint

        public Constraint()
        Default constructor.
      • Constraint

        public Constraint​(Object value)
        Creates a new constraint that uses the given value and the default operator.
        value - the value to match
      • Constraint

        public Constraint​(Object value,
                          String operator)
        Creates a new constraint that uses the given value and operator.
        value - the value to match
        operator - the operator to use
    • Method Detail

      • getOperator

        public String getOperator()
        the operator to use between the property value and the value from this constraint
      • setOperator

        public void setOperator​(String operator)
        Sets the operator to use between the property value and the value from this constraint.
        operator - the new operator
      • getValue

        public Object getValue()
        the target value that is compared with the property value using the specified operator
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(Object value)
        Sets the target value that is compared with the property value using the specified operator.
        value - the new constraint value