ApplicationClassEditPage |
Represents the actions available when editing the application class.
ApplicationCreatePage |
Represents the actions possible on the first step of the App Within Minutes wizard.
ApplicationEditPage |
Represents some custom actions available on application pages in inline edit mode, since the default save and view
and save and continue buttons are overridden in AWM.
ApplicationHomeEditPage |
Represents the actions available when editing the application home page.
ApplicationHomePage |
Represents the actions possible on the application home page.
ApplicationsLiveTableElement |
Represents the live table that lists the existing applications on the AppWithinMinutes home page.
ApplicationTemplateProviderEditPage |
Represents the actions available when editing the application template provider.
AppWithinMinutesHomePage |
Represents the actions possible on the App Within Minutes home page.
ClassFieldEditPane |
Represents the pane used to edit a class field.
EntryEditPage |
Represents the actions possible when editing an application entry.
EntryNamePane |
Represents the pane used to input the entry name.
ListClassFieldEditPane |
Represents the pane used to edit a generic list class field.
StaticListItemsEditor |
Represents the static list items editor present on the configuration pane of a static list field.
SuggestClassFieldEditPane |
Represents the pane used to edit a class field with a suggest.