Interface AnnotationService

  • @Role
    public interface AnnotationService
    Component responsible for providing annotations related services: the management of annotations (retrieving, adding, removing, updating) and rendering them on their respective targets.
    This service does not parse or interpret the references of targets its operating with, caller is responsible to be consistent in calls and use references which are interpreted by the used implementations for and
    $Id: d1bd40bb280fa7f0a0e579d503ed8113bdf4b307 $
    See Also:
    IOTargetService, IOTargetService
    • Method Detail

      • getAnnotatedRenderedContent

        String getAnnotatedRenderedContent​(String sourceReference,
                                           String sourceSyntax,
                                           String outputSyntax,
                                           Collection<Annotation> annotations)
                                    throws AnnotationServiceException
        Returns result obtained by rendering with annotations markers the source referenced by the sourceReference parsed in sourceSyntax. The list of annotations to be added markers for is passed in the annotations parameter. Note that no test is done on the actual target of the annotations in the passed list, they will all be rendered, as long as their selected text and context can be identified in the content.
        sourceReference - the reference to the source to be rendered in XHTML with annotations
        sourceSyntax - the syntax to parse the source in. If this parameter is null, the default source syntax will be used, as returned by the target IO service.
        outputSyntax - the syntax to render in (e.g. "xhtml/1.0")
        annotations - the annotations to render on the content referred by the sourceReference. Can be the whole set of annotations on that source or a subset, filtered by various criteria
        the annotated rendered source
        AnnotationServiceException - if anything goes wrong retrieving or rendering the requested source
      • addAnnotation

        void addAnnotation​(String target,
                           String selection,
                           String selectionContext,
                           int offset,
                           String author,
                           Map<String,​Object> metadata)
                    throws AnnotationServiceException
        Adds an the specified annotation for the specified target.
        target - serialized reference of the target of the annotation
        selection - HTML selection concerned by annotations
        selectionContext - HTML selection context
        offset - offset of the selection in context
        author - the author of the annotation
        metadata - annotation metadata, as key, value pairs
        AnnotationServiceException - if selection resolution fail or if an XWikiException occurred
      • removeAnnotation

        void removeAnnotation​(String target,
                              String annotationID)
                       throws AnnotationServiceException
        Remove an annotation given by its identifier, which should be unique among all annotations on the same target.
        target - the string serialized reference to the content on which the annotation is added
        annotationID - annotation identifier
        AnnotationServiceException - if anything goes wrong accessing the annotations store
      • updateAnnotation

        void updateAnnotation​(String target,
                              Annotation annotation)
                       throws AnnotationServiceException
        Updates the passed annotation with the new values. Matching of the annotation is done by the annotation id field, among all annotations on the same target.
        target - the string serialized reference to the content on which the annotation is added
        annotation - the new description of the annotation to update, with a valid id
        AnnotationServiceException - if anything goes wrong accessing the annotations store
      • getAnnotations

        Collection<Annotation> getAnnotations​(String target)
                                       throws AnnotationServiceException
        Returns all the annotations on the passed content.
        target - the string serialized reference to the content for which to get the annotations
        all annotations which target the specified content
        AnnotationServiceException - if anything goes wrong accessing the annotations store
      • getAnnotation

        Annotation getAnnotation​(String target,
                                 String id)
                          throws AnnotationServiceException
        Returns the annotation identified by id on the specified target.
        target - the serialized reference to the content on which the annotation is added
        id - the identifier of the annotation
        the annotation identified by id
        AnnotationServiceException - if anything goes wrong accessing the annotations store
      • getValidAnnotations

        Collection<Annotation> getValidAnnotations​(String target)
                                            throws AnnotationServiceException
        Shortcut function to get all annotations which are valid on the specified target, regardless of the updates the document and its annotations suffered from creation ('safe' or 'updated' state).
        target - the string serialized reference to the content for which to get the annotations
        all annotations which are valid on the specified content
        AnnotationServiceException - if anything goes wrong accessing the annotations store
        See Also: