Class BeginLogEvent

    • Constructor Detail

      • BeginLogEvent

        protected BeginLogEvent()
        Matches any LogEvent.
      • BeginLogEvent

        public BeginLogEvent​(LogEvent logEvent)
        logEvent - the log event to copy
      • BeginLogEvent

        public BeginLogEvent​(org.slf4j.Marker marker,
                             LogLevel level,
                             String message,
                             Object[] argumentArray,
                             Throwable throwable)
        marker - the log marker
        level - the log level
        message - the log message
        argumentArray - the event arguments to insert in the message
        throwable - the throwable associated to the event
      • BeginLogEvent

        public BeginLogEvent​(org.slf4j.Marker marker,
                             LogLevel level,
                             String message,
                             Object[] argumentArray,
                             Throwable throwable,
                             long timeStamp)
        marker - the log marker
        level - the log level
        message - the log message
        argumentArray - the event arguments to insert in the message
        throwable - the throwable associated to the event
        timeStamp - the number of milliseconds elapsed from 1/1/1970 until logging event was created.